Is your clown loach missing?

It was since last water change, roughly three weeks ago, that we noticed that our two clown loaches (Chromobotia macracanthus) were missing. We couldn’t find them literally anywhere in our tank. This is quite a bizarre feeling when you have just a 180 liters (that’s 65 gallons) aquarium. We looked everywhere as thoroughly as we could outside the tank. Of course they could not escape the tank anywhere. We even thought they were lying dead somewhere so naturally we got very worried.

But as it turned out, they just really enjoyed our new stumps (or rhizomes?). By nature the clown loaches like hiding in small holes and inside stumps and I think I just should be really happy that we can provide an environment they enjoy. So a few days back I changed the water again, as I use to,  and there they were – both of our Clown loaches! Now after the water change the other one is happily swimming around but most of the time enjoying the hiding places around the stumps. I reorganized the stumps for them again so I am sure they like the new place even more. The other clown loach is still hiding most of the time, but I am sure both of them are out during the night eating. That is why I give them bottom feeding tablets which are of course gone in the morning.

So if you wonder where your Clown loach has gone and it seems you can’t find it anywhere – I am sure it’s ok! It’s just probably hiding in some hole you can’t see without moving stuff. As it turned out, our clown loaches were under a bark that had a hole in the middle of the bottom of the bark. It was impossible to spot them without taking the bark out from the tank (which I did in order to gravel vacuum the place). They just enjoy small holes and places to hide during the day, so it might be a good thing if they enjoy such a place that you created for them.

  1. I poked around everywhere in my 20 gallon tank thinking my 2 three inch Clown Loaches had been siphoned out (impossible) or got buried in the gravel. Their disappearance was a mystery to me.

    Finally, I woke up in the middle of the night when the aquarium was dark, and there was one of them swimming gracefully around the middle of the tank.

    No poking around could find them. They are very good hiders. I just hope that they will start eating my overpopulation of Malaysian Trumpet Snails. I believe these snails are eating my Amazon Sword plants event though everyone says they don’t. I see lots of round holes and decimation of the leaves.

    • Thank you for your comment! My experience is quite similar; during day time it can be very hard to find the clown loaches, but especially right after the lamp goes off they start to swim around looking for food.

      I hope your Clown loaches start eating soon; maybe they are stressed so it’s good to give some time and maybe some other food instead. They will take care of the snails by themselves pretty soon, if I can tell you anything from my experience 🙂

  2. Bought 3 clown loaches last night. After I put them in couldn’t find two of them, end up taking everything out of my 36g tank. Still scratching our heads when only one plant left and still two missing clowns. From out of nowhere spotted a second one but third still nowhere to be found. Finally went and go through the pile of ornaments that I took out, 3rd one was at the bottom alive. Gosh it was so hard to locate them, so end up resetting the decorations in the tank. Don’t know why most of the time those three like one corner of the tank. Only one ventures everywhere.

  3. Justin Dowbush

    Thank you so much just bought 1 the other day and I hadn’t been able to find him since I put him in thought the worst then a read this post and check my drift wood and found him in a hole

  4. Betsy Kraushaar

    My clown loach has been hiding for a few weeks… I can JUSt see the tip of his tail in a coliseum thing in my tank. I just tested my pH with an older test kit and it was 7.6+… Could THAT be why my loach is hiding?? I’m reading the driftwood could lower the pH… Any thoughts on that?? Also what type of wood… does it matter? Thanks for your help!


    • Hi Betsy,

      I wouldn’t be too worried. Clown loaches are nocturnal fish so they might be less active during the day. Also, they tend to seek holes and other cavities where to hide. If your pH is not above 7.6, it shouldn’t be too bad and the pH is probably not the reason why he is hiding. He just likes the place probably 🙂

      Old driftwood indeed can lower the pH. But since your pH is not low, it shouldn’t be a problem this moment.

  5. Even though i read everything I could on this yesterday I truly thought my clown had gone!
    Having just got a new tank with the loach and a barb, I added in my fish and established plants etc.
    After a moment where I thought the barb was dying and soent hours doing checks and water changes, my loach was nowhere.
    I searched literally everywhere, even on the floor and in the filter in case. Convinced that he had somehow been lost somewhere I finally went to bed.
    This morning I got up and went to look….and there he was, happy as a larry!
    The barb has now recovered and all fish seem very happy….whew!
    Now I understand how easily they can hide themselves away and won’t soend hours worrying again!

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